Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Meggy...

Yes, I know I planned to blog 2-3 times a week this year... I can't believe I haven't posted for 20 days!!!! So much for plans. I guess my focus is just on other things these days. I'll try to do better.

I don't know where the days go. On second thought, I DO know where the days go...its the evening hours I tend to lose track of. My days are fairly steady going to work, coming home, etc. But the evenings seem to speed right on by. It seems I just get home, then look at the clock and it's already 11 pm!

Since I last posted, our Women's Ministry enjoyed our annual retreat in Norman Park, GA. It was quite a change from our past retreats. I'll try to get my pictures uploaded and share a few things with you soon.

This weekend, Bex is back at Camp Charis at a SALT Weekend. S-Servant A-and L-Leadership T-Training. This is a teen youth group at its very best. One of the best activities we've found for our sweet girl. It sure is quiet here at home when she's not here. I'm ready for her to be home tomorrow night.

Bex continues to do well in college. I'm especially proud of her work in her English class. Although I'm confident that she will do fine --away from my homeschooling, it's always great encouragement for Mom when she is able to do well under a "real" teacher!

Spook continues to delight us as he continues to GROW! He and Squeaky play pretty rough. It scares me, but Squeaky seems to enjoy it (in a weird way!). This morning, Squeaky was very restless lying in the middle of the floor. Mr. Fix-It seemed to think he needed a playmate, so we let Spook in the house.

It was so funny to see this huge dog take his big paw and knock the cat over and then put his mouth over the cat's head. Then the cat sits up on his haunches and swipes at the dog's face. Not hard swipes like he's scared --but swipes like..."two can play at this game!" It is so funny to watch. If Squeaky gets bored and quits playing, Spook will grab him by the scruff of the neck (like a cat's mother) and pull him over to him. Lest you worry about the cat, I assure you he can get away anytime he wants. It's easy to see they are really "PLAYing."

After a few minutes of playing, Spook got bored and just layed there. Then, Squeaky reaches over and bites Spook's paw and it all begins again. I wish I had a video of all the fun. We sure laughed watching them!

Today I've done a bit of catching up on a few things. I actually got the corner of my desk cleaned off. It was piled high with "stuff" that needed a new home, to be filed or thrown away. It seems to build up so quickly, I can't keep up. Now that's done and I can start dreading working on our taxes....the fun just never ends!

Stay tuned.

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MamaHen Em said...

It sounds like you all are keeping busy and doing well. I, myself, am not posting as frequently as I once was. Too many things keeping us busy, too.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're back. I've missed your posts. I understand what you mean about being busy. It is hard to keep up these days. I'm glad you had a good retreat. I need to plan some type of retreat for our ladies.

Kelley said...

Ok Meggy girl...let's be honest (or rather, let me put you in a position where you have to be honest:-) does being too busy to post have ANYTHING to do with FB? haha...just kidding...

Pat Weso said...

Aha ... Kelley told on you!
I told Craig about the website ... did you? He said Bobby was locked out so they were trying to solve that problem.

Saw Bex at camp. Gorgeous weekend. Great program! And my kiddos wonder why in the world a parent would pay a camp to make them work? One day they'll understand.