Alas, volleyball season is over for the year. We're still getting used to life without practice or a game nearly every day. So, here are the last pictures of the 2008 team. We had two seniors on the team this year, so this team will never play together again. {sniff, sniff} Here's a few more pictures from our Tennessee trip to the National tournament.
More pictures from Pocket Wilderness. At first the girls were a bit cold...but they warmed up really fast.
We were so glad to have such strong girls this year. Here they hold up this huge bluff. Thank goodness they were there to help!
Here a few are standing in the entrance to an old coal mine.
Doesn't this look like fun? Take a bunch of goofy teenagers, throw in a couple of crazy coaches, and stir together with three wonderful, fun-loving moms and you've got a very interesting week spent in a 15-passenger van...
HEY COW!!!Here our middle-hitter, Emily (in navy), prepares to serve the ball (it's really up there somewhere). We attended a college volleyball game at Bryan College one evening. Emily won a serving contest and earned a Pizza Hut pizza party for the WHOLE team! Go Emily!!!
Here's a picture of the girls singing at the nursing home in Dayton. My video was terrible so I'm waiting for one of the girls to send me one and I'll post it. To me this was one of the best memories from the entire week!
If you don't go back and read is one of Bex's favorite memories. In her own words:
The nursing home was awesome! Just something I might add though...
After we left the nursing home, we went to pick up MamaWeso at her house--ON THE MOUNTAIN. My wonderful mother was adamant that she would NOT drive down the driveway to the house and that we would all walk. We all (even me) wanted her to go ahead and drive down...maybe cause we just wanted an adventure or something (still no clue why I wanted to, considering that I've been down that terrible thing before). But after we all walked back up to the van (Mom parked the van at the top), MamaWeso said SHE would drive us down and back up it. We were all quite excited until we got to the bottom and the tires started skidding...THEN, when we got turned around about to go up...OH MY GOODNESS! That was one of the scariest things I've ever experienced. I was SURE the van was going to flip over at the speed we were going around the sharp corner! But that's ok. We all lived!...except MamaWeso's ears...they were probably pretty damaged.
Sunrise at Ft. Bluff. Look close and you can see the clouds hanging over the valley.It still takes my breath away just thinking about how pretty it was.
The last (sweet) team picture....
MCS Varsity Volleyball 2008
Now a picture of them acting NORMAL!!!!
Go Patriots!
Stay tuned.
Home Sweet Home! by The Pioneer Woman
4 years ago
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So glad y'all had such a great time. It really looks like you had a lot of fun.
Nursing home ministry is great. My dancers are doing it this week-end and I always feel very blessed to be able to do it.
I'm so glad you posted all these great pix. I still haven't even looked at my video. Perhaps this weekend I'll find the time ...
BTW, Becky's right -- my ears have been damaged for life by the intense screaming of the girls as I carefully drove up the driveway.
Haha...the driveway of death. Only those who have been up the driveway would be shocked to know that my basketball coach made it up her first try...driving backwards. Yeah, for real :-)
Great pictures. Looks like so much fun. Made me feel 50 years younger just looking at them. I wish the very best for each one of these young women. I know they will make great contributions in the years ahead. Sue
Too much fun!
love the pics. Your Bex is so photogenic.
I've had fun catching up on your blog this afternoon.
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