Monday, May 26, 2008

Random Thoughts and Questions

Since I'm fresh out of blog ideas today, I thought I would let you into my a head for a brief visit. Be warned: It's not pretty! But here are a few of my thoughts today...

I prefer a bag of salad shreds rather than a bag of mixed greens or romaine hearts or spinach leaves or whatever. It's just so much easier to make a simple salad with shreds since I don't like the taste of lettuce at all and would be forced to cut up any lettuce leaves into little tiny pieces and slather them with salad dressing so I don't have to taste them.

Does piano practice for a 16 yo who wants to be (out of the house) riding her horse ALWAYS have to end up in tears? Then after having terrible practice sessions, why does the teacher always tell me how great she did? Wonder how the PrincessDeb would handle this?

What words did I misspell in my blog that won't tell me about? She didn't even tell me that she liked her ds's picture on my blog...maybe it's because I wasn't sure if he was L or M....I'm thinking M.

Is Publix out to get me? First, they quit carrying my favorite flavor of spaghetti sauce (Classico Garden Primevera). Then they discontinued my most favorite lemon drops (which I had the whole volleyball team hooked on...and now will have to order from my favorite candy store in Indiana and pay $16 to have a little can shipped to Florida, but I have to do it because the volleyball team cannot win without their little lemon powered drops!). Now, I go in to my little store in the hole and they aren't stocking the only fat-free salad dressing I can stand the taste of when slathered all over my salad shreds! Maybe it's a conspiracy.

Pat Weso must be Superwoman without the bustier (pronounced boo-stee-ay). How does she get so much done? Maybe she wears the bustier under her shirt where its supposed to be?

How deep does dust need to be for it to be classified as dirt?

Wonder if those yummy apple dumplings I made last night really have a gazillion calories? Why does anything yummy have a gazillion calories? Why couldn't God make my taste buds hate sugar? How bad can it be for me to have one more dumpling?

I sure miss my phone calls late at night from my friend, Edna. Why won't anybody else call me after 10 just to chat?

Since Edna loved babies so much, do you think Jesus will let her hold baby Seth for a bit? Maybe her and sweet Rebecca could take turns.

Why am I always wearing the same two shirts in all our pictures? If it's summer I always have on a shirt with big blue flowers...if it's winter, I always have on my dark green sweatshirt. Don't I have more clothes than this? I must do something about this...

Why can't I have a cool name for my dh like "Marlboro Man" like the Pioneer Woman does? But then again, my dd doesn't think she would like being called a 'punk'. Wonder if Marlboro Man smokes? Sure wish I could take pictures like she does.

How do all these other bloggers get the little frame around their pictures? And how do you put links to other websites in your blog? AND how do they find all these cutesy add-ons to make their blogs so pretty? Who taught them? Is this a conspiracy, too? Maybe someone will take pity on me and give me some pointers...

hopefully, before I have to do this weird, letting-you-in-my-head thingy again....

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Kahlua Keeping Koala said...

It was M. I don't want to waste precious bytes worrying you about your spelling. I understand what you mean to say.

Kahlua Keeping Koala said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meg in Tally said...

As I've already told you Ms. Kaluha, THAT is one of MY pet peeves...yet I did it! Whew! Talk about hypocrisy at the highest levels!

But nobody else will be able to see it...cause I fixed it. Maybe I should just say that "I don't see that on my blog. You must be mistaken!" But I guess I've already fessed up...

Laura said...

I just figured out how to do the link thing! You log on like you are drafting a post, go to your layout tab, do the add-on thing in the side bar, click on Link List and enter the links you want. Actually, I didn't figure it out, I asked All His Blessings.

Kelley said...

Pat Weso IS superwoman...I cannot comprehend how she does what she does (even after knowing her for 28-years:-) and just listening to everything she has going on stresses me out.