Monday, June 9, 2008

Blogging on Blogger

In case all you Blogger blogees haven't noticed. Blogger added a new feature the other day. It's called Blog List. "Why would this have anything to do with me?" you ask. Well, I'm here to tell you, it's a really cool addition.

Since dd is away from her dear mother (at Camp Charis) this week, Mom has had some free time (read: MOM IS LONESOME!) to play on the computer! In one day, I've revamped my header, added a little scroll-y feature that I found on another website, and added the Blog List to my blog.

The great thing about the Blog List is that it tells me when a blog is updated, so I don't have to waste my time clicking on a blog over and over in the vain hope the blogger (read: the Princess) has finally posted something new! The List keeps updating itself and moves the most recent posts to the top so that I can easily check out new stuff. Isn't that nifty?

I've also found some interesting websites that tell you how to do some cool things on your blog. Some of these are written in Geek-Speak...but some are written for Newbies like myself.

This may be a very educational week -- for MOM! 5 days to go!

Stay tuned!

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Kelley said...

Hey, I wanna cool blog too...where did you find the scrolly thingy? If you find any other neat things while dd is at camp pass 'em on to the newbies, will ya?

Unknown said...

Wow -- a scrolly thingy! How do WE sign up for the blog notice thingy? I'm sitting at my mom's because my dad is at the doctor and we were told to always have someone with my mom so I'm suffering in her a.c., drying clothes (the part for our broken dryer should be in today), catching up on blog reading, sitting in the a.c., enjoying cable t-v (watching house remodeling shows), sitting in the a.c., etc. Don't be too lonesome -- call me when you walk at the Tally Mall and perhaps I can join you if I'm not too hebetudinous!

Anonymous said...

Now I have to worry about where I'm listed on your site. UGH! Keeps me blogging.

Cool though. Keep telling us what it is you learn! That way I can save time in not trying to figure it out myself!


Laura said...

I was wondering why I didn't see you at the mall yesterday! Your dd isn't here to make you schlepp into town.

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